Construction | Episode 2
ReNouned PodcastSeptember 20, 202201:18:58

Construction | Episode 2

00:05:30 Just the Hits
00:09:20 Alison's Rabbit Hole
00:32:50 Mark's Rabbit Hole
00:53:10 The Big Questions
01:14:13 The Gut Reaction

In this episode, hosts Mark Schulz and Alison Hager discuss the noun “construction.”

ReNouned is a podcast for the curious. We dust off the commonplace to look for shiny new relevance as we challenge ourselves to think critically about the objects that surround us. How do they echo humanity’s past, reflect the present, or foreshadow the future?

ENJOYING THE SHOW? Follow us on social media, share your thoughts, and #BeReNouned!

Visit to access links for all the fun stuff below and more.

Things to read: 
Some We Love, Some We Hate, Some We Eat: Why It's So Hard to Think Straight About Animals. Herzog, Hal.
Never Let Me Go. Ishiguro, Kazuo
The Poisonwood Bible. Kingsolver, Barbara.
Things to watch:Army Ant Bridge on YouTube
Army Ants Build Bridge to Invade Wasp Nest on YouTube
Never Let Me Go
Swarm Robotics - From Local Rules to Global Behaviors on YouTube
Vacuuming Up Army Ants for Science! On YouTube
What Are Robotic Swarms? An Overview on YouTube

Remember to visit for additional content and other works cited in the show.
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